supplier code of conduct


Rescued is committed to ethical and sustainable procurement that delivers for New Zealand and all New Zealanders.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations we have of all our suppliers. Suppliers must make any subcontractors they employ aware of this code.


1.       Labour and human rights

-            Suppliers must respect the labour rights of their employees in the workplace and should monitor human rights within their supply chain.

-            Suppliers must acknowledge modern slavery, including forced labour, child labour, people smuggling and trafficking is not permitted in any part of their business or supply chain and provide evidence if requested.

-            Suppliers must pay above the living wage.


2.       Health, safety and security. Suppliers must comply with.

-            Regulatory and statutory requirements in relation to health and safety at work and maintain work environments and systems of work, for workers and others that ensure their health and safety.

-            Any security obligations notified.

-            Adequately protect any information, assets, tools or materials provided and return these promptly on demand when requested.

-            Prompt payment. Rescued will pay its suppliers promptly and in turn we expect our suppliers to continue this standard when paying their subcontractors and advising subcontractors promptly if there is any reason why an invoice will not be paid promptly.

-            Environmental sustainability. Rescued is committed to transitioning New Zealand zero food waste and circular economy. We encourage suppliers to establish environmentally responsible business practices and proactively improve their environmental performance.

-            Conduct their business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the mitigation of impacts and protection of the environment.

-            Endeavour to improve their environmental sustainability and reduce operational environmental impacts

-            Ethical behaviour. We expect our suppliers to manage their activities and affairs, and conduct themselves, with integrity in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards.

-            not engage in any form of corruption and  be transparent about their practices and actively engage sustainable policies and processes.

-            Corporate social responsibility We encourage suppliers to be good corporate citizens and contribute positively to their communities. Some positive things suppliers could do are:

           Eliminate discrimination in respect of gender, ethnicity and occupation.

           Eradicating prejudices in the workplace will support a progressive and diverse work force.

           Promote economic development across New Zealand. This could include engaging with underserved businesses or businesses in provincial regions in order to engage with our local economy.